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Croatia's best sandy beaches


Nin Area beaches

Nin is the oldest Croatian royal town and a cradle of the croatian culture. Well preserved cultural monuments, especiallly old-croatian chapel from 9th and 12th century are unique in Croatia and in the broader Mediterranean area. It is situated in the shallow lagoon just 18 km north of Zadar, far from traffic and industrial zones. As the sea is shallow and cut into the land, the temperature of the sea is 2-3 degrees higher than in the open sea, which creates higher salinity and aerosol.
Nin is the destination of many tourists. Many also stay in the near Holiday Village Zaton, which is full with sport and entertainment including a large disco club, and visit Nin for it's beaches and cultural monuments.
The whole area around Nin is an osais of shallow and long sandy beaches. Beaches are located in a large, from winds protected bay with a magnificent view on mountains. The water is always clean and warm.
SabunikeThe most known is Ninska laguna beach (Nin's Lagoon). It is a long sandy beach ideal for families with children and elderly people. Recently Ninska laguna has been put on the top of the list of the most beautiful Dalmatian sandy beaches by German auto club ADAC. The beach is also known for areas with medicinal mud (peloid and liman).
SabunikeNorth of Nin, on the way from Petrcane, a lovely fishermen village, to the island of Vir, there is a small settlement of Sabunike. Near Sabunike, especially to the north, one can find many sandy beaches that stretch for several kilometers. After you enter Sabunike you have to take the road to the left to reach sandy beaches which are mostly clothing optional. One of the biggest villages of Zadar Riviera - Privlaka is nearby. It also has some very pretty sandy beaches.
VrsiVrsi-Mulo is a village situated on the peninsula, surrounded by the Nin and Ljubac bays, north of Nin. There are beautiful sandy and pebbly beaches in the circle of 3 km such as: sandy beach Jasenovo, pebbly beach Duboka Draga, sandy beach (with a small part of pebble) St. Jacob and many smaller ones.

Nin Tourist Board
Trg brace Radica 3
23232 Nin
Tel/Fax: +385 (0)23 265 247

Zadar County Tourist Office
Sv. Leopolda B. Mandica 1
23000 Zadar
Tel: +385 (023) 315 107
Fax: +385 (023) 315 316

Accommodation in Nin
See also offer for Zadar, Zaton, Privlaka, Vrsi and Petrcane, all in Nin's vicinity.

Map Map


Croatia's best sandy beaches to explore



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